sábado, 23 de febrero de 2008


Indigenous Peoples Committee on Conservation
Opening statement on agenda item 3.2
Second Meeting of the Working Group on Protected Areas
Of the Convention on Biological Diversity
Rome, Italy
February 12, 2008

Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

On behalf of the Indigenous Peoples Committee on Conservation, a working group of the International Indigenous Forum on Biodiversity, it is an honor to take the floor to address the agenda item 3.2 Exploration of options for mobilizing financial resources for the implementation of the programme of work.

With regards to the topic on mobilization of financial resources, we would like to reiterate, as we have underlined in our opening statement that, we highly question the proposed solutions through the innovative financial mechanism contained in the document for failing to take into account the impact of such deals to the indigenous peoples. We are also greatly concerned that the negotiations for such financial options have been conducted without our participation. We request the Executive Secretary to collaborate with the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues and the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples under the Human Rights Council about the impacts that the innovative financial mechanisms have on indigenous peoples and to propose alternative options.

We would like to express our concern that the document for this agenda item narrowly refers to finance without taking into account social and cultural impact and infringement on the human rights of indigenous peoples. We believe that adequate financial resources must include funds sufficient to implement programme element 2.0 of the PoW and must involve standards, oversight and accountability arrangements to ensure funds are used in full conformity with COP Decision VII/28 (para 22) taken in 2004 which affirms that “the establishment, management and monitoring of protected areas should take place with the full and effective participation, and the full respect for the rights of, indigenous and local communities consistent with domestic law and applicable international obligations.”

To advance the implementation on the PoW, we have prepared the following recommendations.

Under paragraph 2(a) we would like to add 3 new recommendations
(ix) Allocate Financial resources to promote capacity building and legal reforms for guaranteeing the rights of Indigenous Peoples and local communities in the establishment and management of PAs to improve their living conditions.

(x) Provide adequate funding to support the recovery and strengthening of traditional knowledge on biodiversity conservation.

(xi) Provide funds to ensure full participation and Free Prior Informed Consent of Indigenous and Local Communities in the implementation of Program of Work.

Under paragraph 2(c), we would also add 3 new paragraphs to GEF:

(ii) Support proposals for the development of innovative financial mechanisms and for the study of impacts of such mechanisms to indigenous and local communities

iii) Review its polices and practices in relation to indigenous and local communities and protected areas, and report it as soon as possible as mandated in decision COPVIII/24, paragraph 22(d).

iv) Report, together with its implementing agencies, on progress in support to community conserved areas and indigenous bio-cultural heritage areas, as mandated in decision COPVIII/24, paragraph 22(d).

v) Allocate funds for studies on the impacts of investment policies of multi lateral financial institutions on the rights and livelihoods of indigenous and local communities.

Finally, we suggest the following new paragraphs:

(d) Invite(s) international and regional development banks, bilateral and multi-lateral donors to report on progress in ensuring coherence with indigenous peoples rights in their institutional policies on protected areas and investment projects.

(e) Invites the Executive Secretary to compile reports submitted by parties and government assessing the socio-economic values of protected area systems, focusing in particular on the critical contribution to poverty alleviation and achievement of the MDGs. This report should be prepared with the involvement of indigenous and local communities, and include specific evaluations of the impacts of the existing variety of funding mechanisms and protected area on indigenous and local communities.

(f) Request the Executive Secretary to consult with the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues about the potential impact that the innovative financial mechanisms that are proposed by this working group have on indigenous peoples and local communities.

Thank you.

Read by Adrián Lasimbang
Indígena: Kadazart de Malaysia

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